““A wise or trusted adviser or guide””
Mentoring is based on developing a reliable, positive and supportive relationship, that encourages people to develop to their fullest potential.
What makes a successful mentoring relationship?
Creating and maintaining a close relationship that is built on trust
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities
Short and long-term goals are established
Open and supportive communication
Collaboratively solving problems.

A Mentors role is to act as a “wise counsel” and sounding board for the Mentee. They listen objectively and create the needed space for the Mentee to think.
The Mentor asks good, probing questions that encourage the Mentee to look at issues from a variety of perspectives, but offers the help needed to allow them to find their own answers. The Mentor challenges traditional ways of thinking and encourages the Mentee to discover strategies and create plans that maybe outside of their place of comfort.
When the time is right, the Mentor shares examples, (positive and negative), skills and learnings from their own experiences, which assists the Mentee in understanding the basis of where the Mentor’s “counsel” stems from.
A Mentor helps their Mentee set realistic goals and assists them in achieving these. The Mentor holds the Mentee accountable for achieving their goals, and at the same time offers encouragement and constructive feedback in the process
A Mentor with The Retail Mentors Voluntary Personal Mentoring program is a volunteer and must be willing to commit to a minimum of 6 months to support their Mentee. We have found that most of our Mentoring relationships do however naturally extend past the initial six months.
There are many benefits of being a Mentor. Not only will it give you the opportunity to share the knowledge and experience you have spent years developing, but it will also give you the opportunity to learn something new yourself.
More importantly, being a Mentor will provide you with such a deep level of personal satisfaction of helping, supporting and offer guidance to someone else.
To become a Mentor in The Retail Mentors Voluntary Mentoring Program
Meet our Mentors

A Mentee is someone who has identified a specific goal or challenge and believe they would benefit from the guidance and support of someone to successfully reach these goals. i.e. a Mentor.
In a Mentoring relationship the Mentee is still responsible for their own development and, has a very strong interest in learning and developing. Before a mentoring relationship can begin, the Mentee must be, really clear on what their goals are what it is they believe the Mentor can help them with, and therefore what it is that they are hoping to get out of the relationship.
It is up to the Mentee to take ownership for the relationship and respect the time and information shared by the Mentor. The Mentee needs to ensure they are committed to the process and in turn, takes responsibility for setting up the meetings and own the actions by the agreed times, between the meetings.
This does not necessarily have to be a formal process for it to be beneficial, as some of the most long-lasting “coaching moments” are conversation that can be had in the moment and may only take a few minutes.
With their Mentor, the Mentee needs to establish the specific goals and objectives for their mentoring relationship and, take full responsibility for taking the agreed action within the agreed timeframes. Remembering that the Mentor has kindly donated their time to support their Mentee and their time and experience should be respected.
The Mentee needs to be open and ask specific questions of their mentor and, be open and welcome to receiving responses and feedback graciously.
A Mentee with The Retail Mentors Voluntary Personal Mentoring program must be willing to commit to the Mentoring program for a minimum of 6 months.
The Retail Mentors Personal Voluntary Mentoring Program is a life-changing experience for both the Mentee and the Mentor and one that will potentially continue way beyond the initial six months.
To become a Mentee in The Retail Mentors Voluntary Mentoring Program
Mentee Experiences

How long will the program go for?
It is envisaged that the program will go for an initial 6 months, with a minimum commitment of connecting in once a month, but it may well go beyond that time frame.
Can I do this program remotely?
Of course! You may find that your Mentee or Mentor lives in a different state or city to yourself, or with social distancing restrictions catching up remotely will be your best option. As the Mentor or Mentee, you will work out your best ways of working, together up front.
How much time will the program take up?
For the Mentor, the minimum time commitment will be approximately an hour a month. This will of course be solely dependent on what you agree to with your Mentee.
For the Mentee, the minimum time commitment with your Mentor will be an hour a month, but based on each of these meetings with your Mentor may produce things for you to work on before the next meeting, which you will also need to commit to doing.
As a Mentor will I get paid?
This is a way for you, as a Mentor, to support someone who will benefit from your experience, wisdom and expertise. Therefore, your payment will be the sheer satisfaction of knowing that you have had a positive influence on someone else.